Offering a rare opportunity to be ONE with your industry and to make your VOICE heard.

Who Can Join Us



 Hotels, Resorts & Restaurants:

  • Duly licensed hotels, resorts, apartelles, pension houses, and transport establishments with accommodation facilities and/or food service facilities;

  • Duly licensed restaurants, clubs, pubs, bistros, music lounges, catering and quick-service establishments and similar establishments that provide foodservice facilities

Provided that the REGULAR MEMBERS are represented in the Association by the OWNER or his duly designated GENERAL MANAGER.

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Suppliers of hotels, restaurants, resorts, inns, clubs and similar establishments and entities and persons whether juridical or natural who have great interest in the development of the hospitality and tourist industries.

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Schools offering Hotel & Restaurant degree courses. These shall include universities, colleges, institutes and cooking schools offering hotel & restaurant management, administration degree programs and/or tourism oriented courses, which have interest in contributing to the development of the hospitality and tourist industry.

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Affiliates & Chapters:

These are Affiliate or Chapter organizations within the framework of the Association located in any province or chartered city in the Philippines.

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