HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES PHILS., INC., our co-presentor in our upcoming Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines (HRAP) General Membership Meeting (GMM) in December is offering a free workshop to help your establishments gain the edge thru positioning your systems using the Huawei FTTO solutions. FTTO (Fiber to the Office) is an alternative cabling concept for local area network.
The HUAWEI FTTO is a hotel campus network build on the POL (passive optical networking) technology. The FTTO solutions extends one fiber to each guest room, public area, or office to carry services such as phone, PC, IOTV and Wi-fi, PROVIDING PREMIUM NETWORK EXPERIENCE FOR USERS.
We encourage you or your Department Heads or IT Managers to attend this free workshop and be updated on the latest solution developments, global practices that can adapt to your establishment's unique business challenges.
Original schedule of September 10, 2024 is moved to Thursday, October 10, 2024 9:00am to 12:00NN at 19F Showroom, Huawei Milestone Office, 5th Avenue, BGC Taguig, Philippines. Lunch will be served at the end of the workshop. Maximum of 3 attendees per establishment.
Please register using the QR code below or email back your completed reply slip to